New update for Google Maps .. Discover its benefits


Google has unveiled a new update of the Google Maps application, featuring amazing specifications, the most important being the economy The feature allows users to see trends in real time via the camera of their smartphone.

Live View uses Google Street View data, as well as the usual GPS tracking, to determine what you see in front of you and point you in the right direction, according to the British Mirror.

Google said: "This feature, previously reserved for Google Pixel users, will now be available on devices running Android version 7.0 and later and iPhone devices running iOS 11.

To learn more about using this feature, follow these steps:

Open Google Maps on your smartphone, enter your destination, tap the "Promenade" icon, click the "Start AR" button and follow the on-screen instructions. Once your location is selected, visual markers and arrows surround you to help you choose your destination. To her

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