News 24 | After a child’s accident, Abha, a specialist warns: snakes may be present in the toilet


after an accident "Abha baby"Specialist warns: snakes may be present in bathrooms Snake and scorpion poison effects and treatment specialist and serum production specialist Dr Muhammad Al-Ahaidib has warned of the possibility of snakes in bathrooms, in response to the The death of a girl with her father after being bitten by a snake In his bathroom.

Dr Al-Uhaidib said the snake can fit in the Arab or French bathroom chair and a snake like a cobra can stand in the air. by a third party He is tall if he finds what holds him up from a wall or a bathroom chair, indicating that he has encountered many painful stories, such as the story of Abha’s child.

He added, according to “Al Arabiya Net”, that the snake can enter the bathroom through the toilet seat through the sewer pipe, indicating that snakes can live in drought or in the middle of water and can sometimes come looking for water and humidity, and they don’t attack but defend themselves if I didn’t feel any threat.

He noted the need to take the necessary measures and to completely close the entrances to houses, rest homes and farms, and to block all exits in the doors; Because it can also enter it, adding that there are non-poisonous and semi-venomous or very poisonous snakes, and they differ from each other in the environment you prefer.

It should be noted that a 6-year-old girl, Tamara Abdel Rahman, has died NOT.She was bitten by a snake while in the bathroom of her family’s home in AbhaShe was taken to Asir Central Hospital, where she breathed her last.

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