News 24 After being rejected by doctors for excessive obesity. A young man loses 40 kg of weight to give his kidney to his mother.


ExpressiveA young man found the best example of honoring his parents because he managed to lose 40 pounds of weight to give his kidney to his mother.

Kidney disease and transplant consultant, Mteeb al-Buqami, said the young man – Yahya – wanted to donate his kidney to his mother, but was rejected for excessive obesity, saying the boy had missed a period, then had returned and lost 40 kg, which allowed him to make the donation.

The doctor praised the strength and willingness of the young Yahya and his father, pointing out that the presence of a powerful motive allowed the person to change his unhealthy habits.

The doctor mentioned the condition of another young man who had visited him at the clinic. He was grafted kidney and suffered from obesity, diabetes and pressure. After 6 months of dieting and sports, the young man had regained his ideal weight, blood sugar and pressure within normal limits, highlighting the importance of diet and sports in preventing disease.

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