News 24 After he was determined to build his house .. A citizen surprised by the seizure of people on his land and built on Tabuk


ExpressiveTabuk was surprised by the seizure, construction and investment of a group of people on land that has belonged to him for about 9 years.

Mohammed Al-Shamrani gave the details of the incident, confirming that he had bought the land for 110,000 riyals and extracted an instrument in 1431 H. After recovering his debt and collected money needed to build a house, his sons went to the gold to inspect the land and found an investment building built on the land belonging to a group of people.

He explained, according to "precedent", that these people were able to extract an earthly instrument in 1437 H / H, or six years later, wondering how to duplicate the instruments and had requested an investigation into the incident and the justification of the cause.

For its part, the Tabuk secretariat confirmed the arrival of the citizen's complaint about the existence of double sukuk in the Al-Bawadi neighborhood and began to send a letter to the courts to investigate the transactions that resulted extraction of the sukuk to discover the circumstances of the incident and to identify the causes. .

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