News 24 | After long suffering .. Young Badr undergoes successful heart transplant from brain death (video)


After a long suffering .. the young man "Badr" He performs a successful heart transplant from a brain deadThe young citizen, Bader Al-Masoudi, underwent a successful heart transplant from a brain dead person, after sustaining heart damage and subsequently suffering from medical devices and an artificial pulse.

Al-Masoudi was tied to medical devices for 41 days and his weight reached 23 kilograms, until he found a heart donor at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh.

The heart transplant was performed in 2015 and he was 18 at the time, he is now 25 and his weight is around 60 kilograms.

Bader Al-Masoudi confirmed that his condition had improved a lot after the heart transplant, and he signed up for physical therapy, indicating that his weight had increased after the severe emaciation that had struck him before the surgery.

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