News 24 | After selling her gold, a citizen talks about her experience with folk medicine in the treatment of cancer


 After selling her gold, a citizen talks about her experience with folk medicine in the treatment of cancer Citizen Amani Al-Balawi recounted her experience with a traditional healer after finding out she had lymphoma.

Al-Balawi toldanew24She resorted to this kind of treatment after the advice of a friend, and the treatment cost her 20 thousand riyals.

She explained that she had to sell her gold jewelry to buy the treat, which is made of honey and mixed herbs. But it was of no benefit for the cancer treatment, as I checked in the hospital after using the folk remedy and it turned out that the cancer had spread further.

Al-Balawi advised patients not to obey those who sell folk remedies in order to rekindle hope in cancer patients.

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