News 24 | After “Snapchat” shows the actual number of followers … Writer: Celebrity shamans are the same people who made them famous (video)


SnapchatAuthor Bassam Fateeni has confirmed that Snapchat’s announcement of actual follower count shocked some celebrities who continued to promote inflated numbers.

He described, during his interview with the show “Ya Hala” on the channel “Rotana Khalijia”, today November 3, as “Dinner Cup”, in reference to the extent to which celebrities have been affected by showing the actual number of Snapchat followers as part of the update launched by the platform.

He pointed out that those who made these celebrities are the same as those who participate in celebrating with them today, pointing out that some of these celebrities have tried to promote themselves with fake numbers to raise their prices in the media, but the actual numbers have revealed them today.

It is reported that “Snapchat” has launched an update to its services, which showed the actual number of celebrity followers on the platform without warning.

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