News 24 After the accumulation of vehicles yesterday. King Fahd Causeway Manager: We opened the lanes opposite to speed up the passage of passengers


PhotoThe engineer Emad Al-Muhaisen, director of the King Fahad Bridge Foundation, said that a number of measures had been taken to address Friday's congestion on the bridge, including the opening lanes in front to accelerate the passage of passengers.

Al-Hussein denied the disruption of the computer system for the passport and customs procedures, saying that, according to the newspaper "Today", the congestion was due to the large number of cars of the Kingdom in Bahrain.

He added that the various parties working on the bridge were able to quickly settle the issue after announcing the state of alert regarding the speed of the end of the passenger procedures in Bahrain.

A large number of vehicles bound for Bahrain queued for a distance of about one kilometer, in the expectation of departure, which exceeded two hours, before the administration of the procedures to bridge accelerates the transit of passengers.

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