News 24 Canadian police reveal the identity of an armed man in Toronto: he calls himself Faisal Hussein


<img class = "article-main-img" title = "صورة" src = " 89c7-685e41e7832f.jpg "alt =" [Toronto, Canada] Police said that the suspect in an armed attack occurred Sunday in the city was Faisal Hussein, 29.

His family said he was suffering from unrest

In a statement, the family stated that Hussein "suffered from severe mental disorders and had psychosis and depression throughout his life."

The shootings took place Sunday night in Toronto's Greek neighborhood, with 13 injured, while the attacker himself was killed, according to Mark Saunders, chief of police in Canada's economic capital.

Mayor of Tu He asked people to calm down and avoid drawing conclusions about the reasons for the shootings pending the outcome of the police investigation.

Toronto has recently seen an increase in gun violence, mostly because of gangs. At the beginning of the year, there were 212 shootings in Toronto, killing 26 people, compared to 188 shootings and 17 firearm deaths in the same period last year.

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