Today (Friday), the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development unveiled the details of the decision to amend certain paragraphs of the regulations for the labor system amended by the ministerial decision, which overturns all previous decisions which contradicted.
The amendments stipulated that a migrant worker has the right to be transferred to another employer without requiring a specific deadline in case the current employer accepts it, unless the controls contained in the incentive program of establishments to locate jobs (Nitaqat) do not stipulate otherwise.
The amendments, which were published today in the official newspaper “Umm Al-Qura”, also stipulated that a migrant worker has the right to be transferred to another employer upon expiration of the documented employment contract without the consent of the current employer.
The amendments provided that a migrant worker can be transferred to another employer without needing the approval of the current employer, provided that he has spent 12 months from the date of his entry into the Kingdom, and that the worker informs the current employer at least 90 days before moving before terminating the contractual relationship, unless The parties agree otherwise, subject to the provisions of Article 77.
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