News 24 | Does a person have 3 times corona? .. The “Health” agent answers


Does a person get 3 times corona?  .. Agent "health" reply The Ministry of Health’s Undersecretary for Preventive Health Affairs, Dr Abdullah Asiri, revealed that recurrence of Corona infection three times is possible.

Asiri explained,New 24He said that the corona infection twice, in which symptoms are rare, and infection three times is possible, and its symptoms are very rare.

He stressed that a positive test does not necessarily mean infection, as the test does not differentiate between the active virus that causes the disease and the infection and between the remnants of the virus and parts of it that cannot cause disease, and therefore the accuracy of the examination depends on the presence of symptoms or the presence of contact with confirmed cases.

And he indicated that a positive test means that the virus or parts of it are present in the nose or throat, and that it can get into cells and cause infection, or it can go away from itself. same.

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