News 24 "Education" sets 12 tasks for school guards and guards


PhotoThe Department of School Safety and Security of the Ministry of Education reaffirmed the need to define the tasks and responsibilities of security officers and security guards in schools, stressing the importance of assigning them to well-trained specialists in specific tasks related to safety in the school.

The administration called on leaders and school officials to activate the evidence organizing the work of school guards and guards, and not to assign them to other duties. unrelated to the safety and security of schools, which could prevent them from performing their main tasks.

The department has identified a number of tasks for school guards and guardians, including checking the identity of visitors and the purpose of the visit, checking the identity of the guardian at the reception of his son or daughter during the work and record it in the private register, immediately inform the school commander and the school head of any risk or irregularity in safety, In addition to the need for good knowledge of the components of the school and its emergency entrances and exits, as well as safety and protection equipment.

Their tasks also include incidents and direct security breaches, informing school management, ensuring that the school building is released from school staff after the end of the school day and turning off all sources of energy and water.

There are also procedural steps taken by school guards and guards in emergency situations, including the operation of alarms, checking the closing of traffic jams, separation of power supply , supervision of school staff and escorts for emergency exits, supervision of their evacuation to the assembly point and provision of first aid in cooperation with safety coordinators Safety at school and student mentor.


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