The consumption of stomach-resistant drugs can increase the risk of stomach cancer because it contains substances that reduce heartburn but are carcinogenic, according to the results of a study published on the Science Alert website.
The researchers found that these drugs contain protein inhibitors (PPIs) because it is a major component of the manufacture of stomach-blight-resistant drugs, where it has been found that frequent consumption of this article carries a very high risk of stomach cancer.
The study was conducted on more than 63,000 people, but was eventually infected by 153 people with stomach cancer. Scientists have discovered that this article on resistance to heartburn in the stomach increases by 2.44 times, or 244%, the risk of malignant disease.
According to the study, the risk of cancer is increased because of the interaction between this article, which inhibits heartburn, and a common bacterium called (Helicobacter pylori), an alleged bacterium present in the stomach of at least half the population of the planet. At least one in two people in the world.
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