News 24 "Google Chrome" directed a "big shock" for all smart phone users


  Expressive The reports revealed that the "Google" company of the United States sent a "shock to all" browser users, "Google Chrome" on smart phones.

Forbes magazine published a report, or "Big Shock", directed by "Google Chrome" for all smart phone users.

The latest update of Google Chrome consumes about 13%
The browser "Google Chrome", previously consumed up to 5% of the "ram" users devices

The US magazine said that it would be a "shock" for most users of "Google Chrome", as the search engine "Google" controls about 60% of the market share of search engines and Internet browsers in the world. This is a major problem for most Google Chrome browsers because most devices they use use a RAM of 4 to 8 GB.

Google attributes this new update to the necessary requirements to improve browser security For any external factors that may lead to its penetration.


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