News 24 | Health: Updating of the modalities of delivery of narcotics and psychotropic drugs to patients


pharmaceutical The Ministry of Health has updated the procedures for dispensing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; To ensure its access to patients from different regions of the Kingdom.

The health ministry said so in a circular to the Federation of Saudi Chambers, which I reviewed.New 24“The procedures for dispensing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances include the delivery of drugs by private transport companies to patients after they have been prescribed and dispensed by government treatment facilities.

The Ministry of Health has warned that the update of the procedures and the delivery of narcotics and psychotropic drugs aims to ensure their access to patients in the different regions of the Kingdom, and to facilitate the care of patients and establishments of care without prejudice to precautions and safety measures.

The Ministry of Health has placed emphasis on the registration of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in establishments, pharmacies and treatment or research establishments authorized to use them on the periodic sheet number “circular” in all its forms, such as: the scientific name of the narcotic or psychotropic substance, its pharmaceutical form, its strength, its size, its packaging and its expiry date.

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