News 24 How to use Google for a professional search?


PhotoGoogle is the most popular search engine among users worldwide. It's simple to write simple words to get millions of results, but there are several ways to get more precisely what you want to know in the first result without having to search among these results impressive, for Calte of Mac.

According to the report, learning a few words and some codes will make the search process more professional, instead of going into the results pages to find the exact information.

Ways to get more accurate search results in "Google"



Search a specific place

A person can restrict the search by using "site:"In the searched words, for example, when you type"Apple"Google" searches only about "Apple" in the site.

See the cached version of the site

If you click on the title bar "url" and add "hidden: "At the beginning of the URL, Google will display the latest cached version of a site, which is very simple if the page is disabled due to excessive site traffic or censorship , for example.

Search titles

By adding ":in the beginning"To search, Google will only look at web page addresses if you remember a few words of the title, which will reduce the dissociation of the researcher into similar words in the meta.

Search for specific words

If you put a word or words in quotation marks, Google will look for exactly that phrase or word, but it also works with vague words that Google may not understand what the researcher really means. This is also a good way to search for known spelling mistakes. .

Search more than one article

By typing "or" or "|" In between words, Google will search for one or the other of these terms. A good way to merge the results of two parallel searches, for example, by writing "iPhone or iPad" in the search, will show the results for both.

Related Sites

This feature is used to search for a subject that a person does not know much about,", Google will display a list of sites associated with this site.

Rapid search

You can get information about a specific thing very quickly, by typing "movie:" or "map:" or "weather:" for example.

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