News 24 | Jazan Police Arrest Citizen Who Set Another Vehicle On Fire


Jazan Police Arrest Citizen Who Set Another Vehicle On Fire Security authorities in the Jazan region were able to arrest the person who appeared in a video clip setting a car parked on a public road in Sabya on fire.

Jazan police media spokesperson Major Nayef Hakami confirmed that security authorities in Sabya governorate arrested a citizen, in his 40s, who poured a flammable substance on another citizen’s vehicle, set it on fire and fled.

He added that the culprit had been arrested and that initial legal measures had been taken against him and that he had been brought to the prosecution.

It should be noted that a video clip circulating on social networks yesterday (Friday) showed a person getting out of his car and …He walks up to the car parked in the street and throws somethingAfter leaving the scene, the entire parked car caught fire.

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