News 24 "Pilgrimage": electronic visas for pilgrims and pilgrims will be issued within minutes, without going to embassies


PhotoThe general supervisor of the unified electronic platform for Hajj and Umrah, Abdul Rahman Shams, revealed the existence of a communication between the Hajj and Foreign Affairs ministries to deal with the process issuing visas of Hajj and Omrah to nationals from abroad, so that they are electronic without having to go to embassies.

"The current status of Hajj and Umrah obliges visitors from outside the Kingdom to apply to Hajj and Umrah accredited offices, organizers and agents in their country to obtain visas." Shams said at a meeting with the Citizen program on MBC.

He added that the unified platform of Hajj and Umrah would include new services, allowing people outside the Kingdom to enter the portal, to review the service packages provided by the relevant authorities , choose the desired package and issue the visa electronically without it being necessary to pass passports through the embassies.

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