News 24 "Punishment of Riyadh" begins to try those accused of undermining the security of the kingdom


PhotoOn Wednesday, the Riyadh Criminal Court attended the first hearing of the case of those accused of having organized a coordinated and organized activity aimed at harming the security and stability of the Kingdom, as well its social and national integrity.

In the presence of their relatives, the Attorney General discussed the general procedure against the accused, who had received a copy of the indictment, the date of the next hearing to respond to the settlement. .

In June 2018, the prosecutor's office announced that 8 men and 3 men had received a provisional release order until the end of the proceedings and that nine suspects, including 5 men and 4 women, were still in detention. ; Government responsive to obtaining information and official documents and providing financial and moral support to hostile elements abroad.

The prosecution also announced at the beginning of March that it had completed its investigations into the arrested persons and prepared the general rules of prosecution against them, with a view to its referral to the competent court.

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