News 24 Rates record the lowest temperature .. Weather forecast for tomorrow sunday


PhotoIn a report on Sunday's weather, the General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection predicted that dusty and dusty winds from the surface wind would continue, with a decrease in horizontal visibility on the southern parts of Riyadh and Sharqia.

He also predicted that dusty and windy winds of dust and dust would continue on Jazan and the coastal parts of southern Mecca, while the sky would be partly cloudy over most parts of the kingdom.

The report indicates that surface winds blow on the Red Sea at a speed of 20 to 45 km / h on the northwest, that the height of the wave varies from one and a half to two and a half meters and that 39, state of the sea is moderate to wavy.

While the surface wind in the Arabian Gulf shifts to the northwest at a speed of 20 to 45 km / h, the wave height is one meter to two meters, the sea state is moderate to corrugated and the maximum temperature is 30 ° C in Jazan, and the minimum temperature of Qurayyat 2.

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