Cigarette, salt, coffee, meat, etc. are all related to major health issues that have evolved over time in science. In this report, Reader Digest describes how scientific studies began and what ended in modern times.
Eighty years ago, doctors recommended treating cigarettes as a cure. Today, it is quite different and smoking, according to modern scientific studies, has become a direct cause of death.
Coffee is the drink causing high blood pressure, heart attacks and so on. However, over the past decade, scientific studies have shown that mortality among those who eat three to four cups of coffee per day is lower than that of those who do not drink at all. It also reduces the risk of certain cancers, such as the liver.
In the 1970s, "salt" was the result of experiments in rats that raised blood pressure to alarming levels. However, in 2016, a study published by this study dismissed this concern, pointing out that the risk of salt was limited to the bodies of those who were hyperactive, suffer from hypertension and already suffer from problems related to the heart and blood vessels .
Several years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that sausages and processed meats increase the risk of cancer, but according to a new study, the consumption of meat in reasonable quantities presents a risk well less than that associated with smoking. The risk of eating meat can be associated with its level of consumption.
"Mammography", which dates back to the 1980s, recommends that the American Cancer Society carry out an annual check of the signs of breast cancer. According to the clinic, "Mayo Clinic", this examination has allowed to quickly detect the symptoms of this disease and save the lives of many people.
But recent studies have confirmed that many of these symptoms will not progress to a dangerous stage and it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine when the examination will begin based on the woman's medical record and recommend that A study waited up to 50 years.
Finally, in the 1990s, health experts recommended performing an annual blood test to detect prostate cancer, but recent studies have shown that PSA may not produce the desired results. It can be deceptive and hurt people.
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