News 24 "Saudi Electricity" launches application "calculators" to calculate the estimated invoice before issue


PhotoSaudi Electricity Company has announced the launch of the application of "the computer" on smart devices with IOS and Android systems, where the user benefits from the service by charging the application of the calculation of the value of the current consumption even before the issuance of the invoice.

To use the service, enter the account number of the subscriber, then the current reading according to the meter and "My Computer" displays the subscription information, the financial value of the consumption up to the date of receipt. at the input entry and the invoice will appear if it has been issued and has not been paid.

Saudi Electricity has reiterated its appeal to the residential sector to download the application "My Computer", know the value of consumption and compare it to the consumption period, to the subscriber's account number and to his name at the beginning and at the end of the consumption period, the estimated value of the consumption, the selling expenses and the value added tax.

The "electricity" application allows you to view invoice details, submit objections and complaints, view payment data and consumption segments, and send a copy of the invoice for the invoice. email, in addition to the mobile messaging service, etc.

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