News 24 See "Koshta" for the Saudis in the Arctic with "Za" aq .. and coffee at 25 degrees below zero


PhotoA video clip of Saudi youth, including astronaut and astronaut Khalid Al-Za & # 39; aq, documented a "Kshta" trip in a snow-covered area of ​​the Svalbard Archipelago in the ocean Norwegian Arctic.

"The measured temperature is 25 degrees below zero and the actual temperature is 45 degrees below zero," Za said in the video, which shows young people lying on the ice sipping a saudi coffee.

He added that they were moving from the region where the temperature was the highest in the world, the Kingdom, to one of the coldest regions of the world, the temperature in the Kingdom to 55 degrees Celsius and the temperatures in Svalbard at 35 degrees Celsius. East 85 ° C

Zaq observes the phenomenon of polar dusk, explaining that when the sun shines and sends harmful radiation to the Earth, the gas covers the gas and rejects it to the north and south, called the Dawn phenomenon, and then appears in beautiful colors created at the front of the sky in the poles.

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