News 24 Seven herbs are beneficial for brain health and memory enhancement


ExpressiveResearch has shown that a number of herbs and spices help improve brain health, including what already exists in most homes.

The site "Very Well Mind" indicates that some of these herbs and spices have been studied to determine their effects on Alzheimer's disease and has been tested on other herbs to determine their overall impact on cognition and the knowledge.

Al-Mirmiya (Al-Qasa & # 39; in) Sage: A class of spices whose odor is austere, and a medical study has indicated that it has properties that enhance memory and help treat the zhammer.


Ginkgo biloba: It has been used for a long time to treat dementia, a common ingredient of traditional Chinese medicine, and is recognized for its beneficial effects on the improvement of cognitive functions.


Ashwaganda The site indicates that medical studies are still in the preliminary stages and have shown that the Ashwaganda plant is useful for reducing oxidative stress (a factor contributing to zhamair growth and development).


Cocoa nuts: Cocoa nut is used in alternative medicine to improve mental clarity. Studies have shown that it also helps the brain fight oxidative stress.


Melissa: An herb is often eaten as tea and is often used to reduce stress and insomnia. The site says it has properties that enhance the functions of knowledge.


Turmeric: A class of spices has long been used in alternative medicine and contains a curcumin compound that has antioxidant properties and inflammation, and has benefits for the brain in particular and for the body in general.


Ginseng Ginseng: One of the most famous plants in herbal medicine because it has properties that resist inflammation and improve the health of the brain.


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