A honey trade specialist said the Kingdom’s markets are witnessing large amounts of adulterated honey and the average person cannot get to the truth about honey quality using traditional methods.
The specialist, Saeed Al-Suhaimi, explained during an intervention on the program “Al-Rased” on the channel “Al-Ekhbariya”, that the quantities of adulterated honey circulating in the Kingdom vary between 30-40% of the honey in the markets.
He pointed out that adulterated honey can be detected through 3 things, starting with a person’s previous experience and ability to differentiate between types of honey, performing a honey review in laboratories and trusting the source of honey.
Video | Saeed Al-Suhaimi, interested in the honey trade: 30 to 40% of honey is adulterated. What is the method for detecting adulterated honey?#to watch pic.twitter.com/RuLFktj33R
– The monitor (@alraasd) September 21, 2021
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