News 24 The main symptoms and signs of atherosclerosis


ExpressiveThe incidence of atherosclerosis, which will cause other problems, how can it be detected early? Here are the main symptoms and signs.

Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the blood vessels (arteries) caused by thrombocytopenia, but what are the symptoms associated with it?

Important information about atherosclerosis
Start It should be noted that arteries are the blood vessels that transfer oxygen and nutrients from the heart to different parts of the body.

As age increases, fat and cholesterol can accumulate in the arteries, causing thrombocytopenia, which makes it difficult for the blood to circulate. This can happen by any artery, causing a lack of oxygen to access the associated areas.

Sometimes fragments of thrombocytopenia can be transmitted, resulting in a blood clot. Atherosclerosis can therefore increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure if it is not treated.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis
Most cases of atherosclerosis do not accompany specific and obvious symptoms unless the person blocks the arteries.

The symptoms and signs of atherosclerosis usually include:

Chest pain or angina
Pain in the foot or arm or in a blocked area
General tiredness
Confusion in case of blockage of arteries that reach the blood up to the brain
Muscle weakness of the feet due to a lack of blood circulation.
In addition, it is important to also know the signs of heart attack and stroke because the lesions may increase due to hardening of the arteries, necessitating a request for immediate medical assistance.

Symptoms of heart attack include:

Pain and discomfort in the chest
Pain in the shoulder, back, arm and jaw
Pain in the abdomen
Severe sweating
Nausea or vomiting
Feeling of impending death.
With regard to stroke, the symptoms are as follows:

Weakness and numbness of the muscles of the face and limbs
Hard to speak
Hard to understand
Vision and vision problems
Loss of balance
Sudden and severe headache.
Who is in danger?
Many factors play a role in increasing the risk of atherosclerosis. The following categories therefore fall under the risk of infection:

Who has a family history of infection
Those who do not exercise
With uncontrolled high blood pressure
With diabetes without managing its levels.

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