News 24 The phone during meals .. Scientists warn of "imminent danger"


ExpressiveScientists have warned of the dangers of using the phone during the main meals of the day for health, according to the British newspaper "Daily Mail".

A recent study found that people who use their phones at the same time for their meals consume 15% more calories than others.

The study, conducted in coordination between two universities in Brazil and the Netherlands, revealed that reading the phone while eating leads to obesity and associated diseases.

"Looking at the phone screen can make a person unaware of the amount of food that she eats in the first place," she said.

"Using the phone during meals leads to more calories and fat without paying attention," said Marcio Gilberto, lead author of the study.

"Tablets and smartphones are a major source of distraction during meals."

He explained that this case particularly concerns children.

The study was published a few days ago in the Dutch journal Physiology and Behavior.

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