News 24 What do you know about your vacation rights? .. "Work" describes their system


PhotoThe Department of Labor and Social Development has stated that employee leave is divided into two types: official holidays and public holidays related to personal events.

The ministry explained that official holidays include the holidays of Eid al-Fitr and al-Awdhi, ie 4 days from the day after 29 Ramadan, Eid al-Adha from the day they went to Arafah, in addition to the national holiday, compensated by a day before or after. The weekend break is over and can not be compensated for when it is part of Eid holidays.

The personal leave corresponds to a worker's entitlement to a three-day leave with full pay in case of newborn, five days in case of marriage and five days in the event of the death of his wife or the child. 39, one of its assets or its branches.

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