News 24 | Wife in Mecca requests marriage annulment due to husband’s refusal to appear on communication sites


Wife in Mecca requests marriage annulment due to husband's refusal to appear on communication sites   A woman in Mecca has requested the annulment of her marriage contract; Because her husband prevented her from appearing on social media.

Lawyer Faisal Gharbi explained that the wife submitted this request after years of marriage and her husband refused to photograph her advertisements on social media sites, due to his desire to preserve the privacy of their lives. .

Gharbi noted, according to “previously”, that the wife based her request on her husband’s consent for a condition she set in the marriage contract, which is not to prevent him from working.

He stressed that one of the parties to the contract is not allowed to enter into under duress, deception or fraud; The fact that Islamic Sharia prohibits deception in all contracts, including the marriage contract.

He stressed the need to clarify the objectives of both spouses in marriage contracts and that they be reasonable and easy to implement between the two parties to the contract.

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