News 24,600 citizens and citizens changed their name during the month. Know the most prominent names that they have preferred


The marital statusThe Ministry of the Interior of the Ministry of Civil Status has announced the name change of more than 611 citizens and citizens during the last month of Jumada, based on requests to replace them with d & # 39; other names of their choice.

The number of citizens who asked to change their name was 496 citizens, compared to 115 people.

Maha, Hanan, Abir, Rose, Ghazal, Shaden, Jawahar, Lama, Rima, Taif, Ghla, Sara, Jawhara, Anoud and Najd are among the most prominent names among women. Change: (Enchantment, halo, lust and Khamis, and time, and rain, and supplication, and a bush, a dove and a bush, and Nmsheh, tired, and he, Khasblah and his child).

Salman, Sultan, Bader, Abdul Aziz, Faisal, Abdulrahman, Abdullah, Khaled, Fahd, Muhammad and Hussein were the most fashionable names among men, including Menahi, Al-Aish, Jahan, Jahz, Jahdran Abdul Kubair, Mufti, Ablan, Wajyan, Dahim and Aweida).

Among the names changed, Ahmed changed his name to a fine and became angry.

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