News 9 years in prison and payment of blood money


ExpressiveThe Unizah court sentenced the young man who caused the deaths of six people during a road accident in Al-Badaei more than two years ago, to 9 years imprisonment and 1,000 lashes, and forced him to pay the blood of three of the deceased.

The young man confessed in court that he caused the accident in January 2017 while he was pursuing three young men in a car "Datsun" on King Abdul Aziz Road, east of the province of Badaya, where he collided with his car at a speed of 200 km.

He explained that the collision had caused the deviation of the young car and its entry in the other way of the road. She had collided with another car. "Ford" was carrying a family of one man and two women. The accident killed the six people.

According to the newspaper "Al-Watan", the court decided to pay 300,000 riyals to the heirs of each of the three deceased family members in the second vehicle, while giving the blood of the three dead of the first vehicle the right to claim a claim. bloody sum.

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