News: "iPhone-2019" with all new features!


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News: "iPhone-2019" with all new specifications!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the honor to welcome you to the economic site, We are working hard to be a good follower of our site, "iPhone-2019" with all the new specifications! , Dear visitor, the economic site is a complete news site that includes the latest developments in the Arab and international arena, News: "iPhone-2019" We are looking for the latest news from all sites and news agencies News: "iPhone-2019" with new specifications! This is a new look for the iPhone-2019, so you can follow the news in the world of information.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 21:45 economist The ETNews website has reported that the iPhone According to informed sources in the Asian market, Apple has agreed with JSCK to develop sensors dedicated to the cameras that will be installed on an iPhone which will be launched next year. This camera comes with a 3D lens capable of handling virtual reality techniques.

On their side, experts pointed out that "Apple's new sensitivity to Turkish In its future phone cameras, it will be able to detect objects at greater distance compared to current sensors."

The move comes from Apple to increase its smartphone capabilities and maintain its high sales, all the more so as Chinese companies Huawei had recently launched three-lens cameras in their phones.

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Source: Arab Net

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