The Riyadh police managed to overthrow a gang formation that attacked two expats and stole their vehicles and an amount of 80,000 riyals before shooting them down.
The Riyadh police spokesman, who is in charge of the media, announced that the security services had launched Thursday night a communication about the armed assault of two expats, the looting of their vehicles and the amount of more than 80 000 riyals as well as a quantity of tobacco, after being shot by a gun in the district of Badr, south of Riyadh, the capital.
The spokesman added that security monitoring had led to the arrest of the perpetrators. It was actually four citizens and one Yemeni, aged from two to forty years old.
The accused confessed to what was attributed to them and seized the possession of firearms used during robbery incidents upon their arrival, in addition to the two stolen vehicles and the sum of $ 25,000. 39, money, one of them being involved in an incident that earned them an amount of 155 000 riyals on 25 Dhul-Qaida and they were arrested for suing.
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