"Nour al – Andalus" .. The last resorts Amin Rihani


Adib Al-Rihani, perhaps the most famous Arab traveler of the twentieth century, is the most important traveler in the Arab countries, because of his important travel book in the Arab countries, which he began with "The kings of Arabia "," Heart of Iraq "," Heart of Lebanon "Morocco" all "a series of books dealing with all conditions (conditions of Arab countries) and exposed to all aspects of good and weakness, are the best ambassadors for the sympathy of these countries, for their convergence and unity, "said Rihani.

It is a work that reflects a civilized attitude and a national consciousness that seeks to mobilize the Arabs and draw their attention to their miserable situation under the yoke of colonial forces, stressing the value of the union that exists between them to escape the the occupation and achieve a true renaissance highlighting their originality and maturity. And beyond.

The trip of "Noor al-Andalus" is the last trip made by Rihani (1876-1940). After being welcomed by Moroccans and colonizers in the Spanish protection zone in the spring of 1939,.

Al-Rihani did not go through events and things during his travels, he is well known for openly expressing his positions, he did not hide during his stay in Morocco and he was impressed by the great achievements in various fields that he realized and built by the Spaniards in this part of the Moroccan soil. , Offered to make a trip to Spain at the expense of dictator Franco's regime.

Some of them considered that Rihani accepted the invitation to be a bribe, not a waste but a job, and that his goal was to refine the image of Franco's dictatorial regime, who was suffering from international isolation after the massacres of civil war and coup against democracy, while Rihani placed his journey "Nur al-Andalus" in context. It was not my goal in the Moroccan trip to visit Spain, but after being in the area, I saw the work of the garrison government, the role of construction and what is always a promise and a hope. I saw that it was my duty to meet General Franco to see what I had. – Lights and shadows of the new Moroccan plan ".

But what is certain for us is that Nur al-Andalus is a journey of chance, because it was not included in the nomadic project of Amin al-Rihani, which, we know, was a meticulous project planned by its owner, but which, according to some, is a bribe. And convinced, without fear of the Arabs or Spaniards, who criticized them, for example: "This is what I said in the past of Spain is right in the current Arab countries, if the foreign domination in Spain is the cause of decline or rather stagnation during this period, Arab countries today, and not in both cases A result.What the art of the Spanish and national Renaissance flourished only after the 39, extinction of Arab domination in the country, and the Arab national cultural renaissance and complete prosperous prosper, only after the foreigners leave the dominant Arab country.

The journey of Nur al-Andalus is the last composition of Ameen al-Rihani, which lasted two months from the summer of 1939. It was launched just after his trip "Far Morocco" and began to fly from the airport of Tetouan by military plane. Always from Tetouan to his airport: fly this time in a German plane to Seville "and finished writing in the summer of the same year, in Lebanon.

Nour Andalusia presents various kinds of writing: narrative scenes, experiences and experiences, lists Arab and Spanish history, presents paintings illustrating urbanism and nature, addresses the artistic criticism, knows the aspects of the Spanish social life, analyzes the Arab and Spanish political system,.

Nur al-Andalus was part of 11 chapters. "I have accumulated in my hands the reasons for the lesson and the writing, and I have been pleased with the fact that the government has paved the way for tourism and science," she said. he declared. His guide in Spain was the translator of the Spanish public residence in Morocco, the Lebanese writer Alfred Boustani.

The travel journals have generally brought us back to a different geography of the ego identity, but in the case of the "light of Andalusia", Rihani has traveled to a deeply connected country to Arab culture. What connects the Arabs to Andalusia, therefore, is a journey inside or exotic too, given the status of Andalusia in the Arab self.

"The light of Andalusia" was part of a journey back in time in the Arab past, in the past and the present Spanish, including the experience of the Spanish invasion of the city. America and colonization, just as in that of the growth and revival of the Arab community, His Arab society of origin was guided by the pioneering Arab experience in Andalusia. It is a trip to alert colonized and backward Arabs to the Arab-Arab Andalusian era and its natural and positive development on Spanish soil. Ania.

And "Noor al-Andalus" emphasizes the possibility of the Arab Renaissance and depends on the Spanish example, because after its rebirth, which followed the expulsion of the Arab element, the situation took place. has deteriorated in all areas, but it has resumed and is the lesson of this journey and these examples.

In fact, the trip "Andalusian light" in a given country is Spain, not limited to the territory of Andalusia or Andalusia exceeded as the title says, Valerihani reached Toledo, Burgos, Madrid and others to the north, in the sense that he left the Andalusian geography.

But the most important thing in Rihani's journey is that the title of the last chapter is the light of Andalusia, a chapter of Takhili does not respect the Charter of Travel, which is supposed to tell the reality, that the author has told the story. is a dream represents a night meeting in Cordoba with the philosopher Abu Al-Walid Ibn Rushd, But it is a dream that expresses the desire to promote the Arabs and to ask that the time of rationalism be solved today, which reminds us very much of the call made by the Moroccan thinker Muhammad Abed al-Jabri at the end of the 1980s to restore the rational moment of Arab society and to allow it to be reborn. In his interview with Rihani Ibn Rushd, who provided answers explaining the reasons behind the Arabs' delay and the way forward for progress:
"- I thought, O Rihani, and I asked, and I came to your mind and answered your question.
– I was overwhelmed by God by your virtue.
– Give credit to the thought and vision of his parents, and I'm not today of them (he says shaking his head like a painful birthday.)
"But your oil, my master, always burns in their lamps."
"Yes, in the lamps of the Franks, not Arabs, and the reason is that we have mixed a lot of water with us, and the Arabs have not improved their liquidation like the Franks …" .

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