"Now" the latest frequency of the new channels MBC 2019 Frequency of "MBC" new in all Arab and African countries – the method of adjustment of new MBC channel frequencies


The latest channel frequency MBC 2019 new, We follow with you in our guide on Egypt, that the network of channels MBC has decided to change, from April 26, and has announced in all its channels and through its official website on the Internet For all satellites in different Arab countries and European countries, and that is what we will call you back now through this report.

The new MBC channel frequency 2019

The MBC channels have always graduated us with new programs and series, and exclusively and there is no other channel, no other network, and for these reasons, Arab viewers are constantly looking for frequency and, through many places , many religious and cultural programs, as well as entertainment programs.

Different frequencies of the BBC channel

MBC channels, many and varied where MBC1 channel frequency This is the first channel that mainly concerns all programs and news from Saudi Arabia. It is the general chain of the MBC network and comes after MBC2 channel frequency Which transports are specialized in the latest and most recent foreign films, and then MBC3 channel frequency A channel dedicated to children and the presentation of cartoons and programs for children dubbed and translated are preferred by a large number of children from different age groups.

As for the frequency of MBC4, it is one of the most important channels specialized in the presentation of many international programs among the most important in the world, in addition to series, especially Turkish series dubbed and followed by many viewers of the Arab World. MBC Bollywood, which is the source of Indian dramas and is broadcast in all parts of the Arab world, specializes in the screening of Indian Madbalijp movies and soap operas, while the MBC Egypt MBR masr channel frequency.

Frequency of MBC Egypt 2 mbc masr, Who recently joined the network of mbc channels, to whom several series have been shown, including catenary series for blood, and a series of Ramadan Series Which is followed by many viewers and finally the religious channels, which belong to the network of BBC channels Channel message, The channel is followed by a large number of viewers, as it contains numerous religious programs, presented by a constellation of moderate elders and preachers who try to spread Islamic religion and teachings, as well as many Qur'anic verses broadcasting the voices. of a large group of readers from the Arab world. .

MBC's New MBC Channel Frequency in the Middle East

You can now discover The frequency of the new MBC channel, On our website in the Middle East, which includes a large number of countries and can be viewed by viewers Receive the frequency of the new MBC channels, In all Gulf States, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the frequency of MBC channels in Turkey and the Levant via the following satellites:

Satellite On the Nilesat E8WB Ali Arab Sat Badr
New frequency 11470 MHZ 11270 MHZ
Adjust the polarity Vertical Vertical
Degree 8 west 26 is
Error correction rate 5/6 5/6
Encoding rate 27500 27500
New amendment DVB-S QPSK DVB-S QPSK

The new 2019 MBC frequency in Africa

MBC fans, especially viewers from North Africa, can now tune into the new BBC receiver in Libya, Sudan and North Africa at the following frequencies:

Satellite Ali Nilesat E7WA On Arabsat Badr 5
New frequency


12284 MHZ
Polar Vertical Vertical
Degree 7.3 west 26 is
Encoding rate 27500 27500
Error correction rate 5/6 5/6
New amendment DVB-S QPSK DVB-S QPSK

Frequency adjustment of the MBC, in North Africa.

You can follow the channel through North African countries by adjusting the receiver as follows, shown in the following video, to get a good rendering of the sound or image.

The MBC channel frequency in Egypt and the Arab countries now

MBC viewers can receive popular and favorite channels:

MBC1, MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, MBC1, MBC Action and MBC Drama mbc Bollywood and the MBC Max channel can also receive the new mbc frequency in the Gulf and Sham on the following frequencies from the Nilesat and Moon Arabsat satellites

Satellite New frequency fEC
Nilesat 11470 Vertical 5/6
Sat Arab
11270 Vertical

Receive the BBC frequency in Africa through the following frequencies:

Set the receivers to watch without looking at the Nilesat and Arab Sat satellites at the following frequency:

Satellite New frequency fEC
Nilesat 11470 Vertical 5/6
Sat Arab 12284 vertically 5/6

A large number of viewers are looking for the frequency of the MBC channel taradod mbc on Nilesat and Arabsat and are presented in the video above. We will now explain how to introduce the frequency of the new mbc channels on device models Zd z hd

The date of interruption of the frequency of old MBC channels

Since the old MBC frequencies have been removed as of May 1st, the new frequency signal for the MBC channels must be set as described in the attic explanations, or to the technician concerned by the new frequency control. We will keep you informed of any changes or news concerning The new MBC frequency On Nilesat and the Arabs Saturday

All the frequency of new MBC channels where MBC1, MBC1, MBC2, MBC3, MBC1, MBC Action, MBC Drama and MBC and MBC Max can also receive the new MBC frequency in the Gulf States, Sham, North Africa and West and Turkey by different satellites.

Update: If you do not set the new frequency as explained above, you can consult the technician to set the satellite coordinates. We hope that your interaction and your news in the case of a tuned clock will suit everyone.

Update: The new MBC channel frequencies and all viewers following this channel have started working to change the old frequency to receive the MBC channel frequency by region and country and the table below. above. Come

All new frequencies of the BBC

You can follow channels through Asian countries, African countries and all Maghreb countries via the following frequencies:

  • Mbc frequency in North Africa and Maghreb
    Ali Nilesat 11559 Vertical
  • Frequency Mbc on the Asian continent (Gulf States and Syria)
    On the Nailsat 11470 vertical
    The Arabs Sat 11270 Vertical

You can follow the MBC sports frequency via the link of the mbc sports channel.

We will notify you of any changes in MBC channel frequencies and other mbc explanations. Set the new frequency of MBC channels on Arabsat and Nilesat and via a large number of other satellites.

Many viewers around the world are always on the lookout for all MBC frequencies to find news, series and exclusive programs from many countries around the world.

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