Nutrition expert unveils secret to fight obesity and cancer


Nutrition experts have agreed that eating at a daily time daily was more effective in controlling the consequences of obesity than determining the number of calories that a person consumes. "The risk of breast cancer increases during menopause.

Dr. Manasse Das of the University of California at San Diego said that it was necessary to control the process of food exchange to prevent this risk.

Experiments on female lab rats indicate that eating at specific times of the day prevents the growth of tumors.

Because of this anti-tumor activity, low levels of insulin in the blood, rather than studying calories for each food, it is better to choose fixed and fixed times, ie to eat the meals. at the same time each day, depending on the desired program.

Doctors and dietitians pointed out that an effective schedule for the nutrition system was an effective and inexpensive strategy for fighting cancer and a revolution in breast cancer treatment.

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