Office system update on Mac to support night mode and import photos from other devices


Office system update on Mac to support night mode and import photos from other devices

Microsoft has released a new update of its office suite on the Mac operating system, providing overnight update and other features facilitating the use of Mac OS.

The Office package will begin to support night or black mode, as is the case with the MoHave version of the Mac system, darkening all application angles without any white color as before. This mode can be changed by activating the normal mode of the system.

In addition to the most obvious benefit of the night mode, Microsoft will support Office applications with the "Continuity Camera" feature for Apple devices, which means that images can be imported directly into the PowerPoint application. without it being necessary to transfer them to the Mac.

In addition to importing images, the PowerPoint application will bring a new tool for linguistic and grammatical control, which will obviously differ from one language to another, but it is very useful to use. 39, avoid passing errors.

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