One moment, please … think and meditate before you eat your meals!


It is not enough to follow the ingredients in your diet for good health. Equally important is that a person be “aware” of what they are eating and that their mind is “present” when they eat. With so many things that can be distracting like TV screens, tablets, and smartphones, concentrating while eating a meal can be intimidating, but it’s not impossible.

Boldsky, a health-related website, released a report showing how to eat slowly and focus, making it a beneficial health experience without harming the body. So slow down while eating:

• Helps get rid of cravings for unhealthy food.
Increase digestion.
• Helps control calorie consumption.
• It gives the person the opportunity to enjoy the food and the surrounding atmosphere.
Helps reduce stress.
• Helps promote weight loss.
It promotes heart health and blood sugar.

Expert advice

Experts suggest that eating meals with focus and vigilance, which they describe as the practice of “conscious eating”, helps a person make healthy choices and allows their mind and stomach to stop eating when they eat. feels full. Here are some tips on how to follow mindful eating:

1- Concentrate on the shopping list and avoid the impulse to buy when shopping and stick to the list of foods that are healthy and beneficial for the mind and body.

2- When planning the preparation of a meal, choose meals that do not cause fatigue and fatigue during preparation or after eating it.

3- When a person cooks, serves and eats food, he must pay attention to the colors, the texture, the smell and even the sounds that the different foods emit during their preparation.

4- By enjoying the cooking process and the aroma of the spices, and by stirring the food, a person can feel the heat of the food he is preparing; Instead of dealing with fast food, you can take it slow and learn to enjoy it.

5- Studies indicate that ensuring the diversity of the components of the meal, by adding spinach, beetroot, paprika and carrots, can improve its nutritional benefits and the degree of pleasure.

6- This food is eaten when a person has an appetite, not when the hunger levels are peaking as this will not allow him to enjoy the food, but rather it will make him devour the food without enjoying it.

7- Make sure to start meals with small portions.

8- Take small bites, because food can taste good when the mouth is not full of food.

9- Chew the food well so that the essence of the food is easy to taste.

10 – Concentrate during the meal and avoid using the telephone or watching television while eating.

The experts conclude their advice by explaining that the experience is not just about eating slowly, but includes choosing the right food and the right time, and it starts from the step of preparing the shopping list through buying groceries, preparing and presenting food, then eating with focus and attention to achieve positive outcomes.

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