One of the fastest creatures on earth, amazing facts about "ants"


One of Earth's fastest creatures, amazing facts about ants, our news newspaper quoting the summary, we publish the world's fastest creatures, amazing facts about ants, one of the most fast of the planet. We publish our news news today on our news site and start with the most famous news, one of the fastest creatures on earth .. Amazing facts about "ants"

Our News News Suhair Zafarani – Portal News

Throughout the ages, where there is no room but we find ants and yet we do not know much about him and c & rsquo; Gate "Gate Light" information about the most important:

1 – In 2006, scientists discovered at Harvard University and Florida that the age of ants dinosaurs are aging.

2 – The size of the ant and its speed is one of the fastest creatures on earth.

3 – There are ants the size of the index and live this type of Amazonian forests.

4 – The number of ant kingdom members around the world about 1000 billion ant.

5 – the largest colony of ants and found to have a total of 6000 square kilometers, which leaves from Italy and ends in Spain.

6 – is one of the most durable insects in the world where the ant's age about 30 years.

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