One of the preachers of the Eid prayer in Jeddah looks like a woman who sells "who eats her breasts"


One of the preachers of Eid's prayer in Jeddah likened the woman working in the sales sector to "eat her breast," calling on women not to respond to the calls of the disabled and to work in the field of the sale, which provoked much controversy.

He explained the preacher of the roundabout of the globe to Jeddah: What we need for chaste women who sacrifice money and luxury in the name of chastity and honor, does not answer the calls of the disabled to become a seller mixing men;

The girl who spotted the clip expressed deep dissatisfaction with Khatib's descriptions, especially because she works as a sales clerk in a shop.

The girl explained: "I was very upset because every year the woman is mentioned in the sermons of the feast and I was getting ready to take a video, I know that the topic of women will be mentioned."

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