OnePlus announced the launch of its first smart TV in September. In addition, the company also announced that this TV would be announced for the first time in India, where the company is very active.
This was announced by co-founder and CEO, Mr. Pete Lau at the company's official forum. Mr. Pete Lau talked a lot about the challenges the television industry faces, as well as what we can expect from the company's smart TV once it's out.
Mr. Pete Lau explained that the launch of OnePlus TV smart TV in India was due to the fact that the company had close relations with the content providers of the country. Content is the most important aspect for OnePlus and TVs in general; so she wanted to focus on getting the right content. That's why she decided to launch her first smart TV in one country before moving to other markets.
In other markets, Pete Lau said the new OnePlus TV would be launched later in North America, Europe and China without specifying a specific date, but we expect this to happen when the company gets more strong partners in these areas and quality content. At a big request.
As for television, Mr. Pete Lau said that we can expect a high quality image and sound quality, a design that fits perfectly in your living room and offers a leading experience and intelligent that will make it a reference for the future of intelligence in televisions. This TV will be great and will be on sale at an attractive price, as we always expect from OnePlus.
Dear visitor, I read the technology news on Wednesday 21/8/2019: The OnePlus TV Smart TV will be released next September and will arrive first in India at Hadramout Net | Yemen News has been published from the website and bears the responsibility for health information on their shoulders and you can see the original source of information
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