Ornish Diet .. The best diet for the health of your heart


"Ornish Diet" is the latest trend in diet systems in the world and ranks ninth in the ranking of the "US Report on the Best Systems of the Diet 2019", according to the website "Prevention"This is one of the best weight loss diets for heart health.

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Ornish diet

What is the ornate diet

The label "Ornish Diet" or Ornish diet Dean Ornish, a professor at the University of California (USA) and founder of the Institute for Preventive Medicine Research, introduced the scheme in a book titled "The Program of Dr. Dean Ornish Heart Card" published in 1995.

Ornish Book
Ornish Book

Ornish Diet is based on a vegetarian diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, refined refined carbohydrates, animal protein and fats, and is considered the best heart-healthy diet.

Unlike other diets and weight loss plans, this diet also puts the emphasis on the mental aspect of weight loss through the integration of stress management techniques and stress management, stress reduction being an essential part of the program. Dr. OrnishAnd recommend deep breathing, yoga and meditation to reduce stress.

Dr. Ornish also advises on a variety of exercises, including resistance training and stretching, as well as the need to deepen relationships with family and friends, which can have a positive impact on your health.

Ornish diet
Ornish diet

Results of the diet

– Ornish Diet can lead to positive results, such as increased consumption of fruits, vegetables and fiber, as well as low consumption of carbohydrates and sodium.

– This diet is ideal for people with chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.

– This system is good for people looking to improve their overall health.

Dr. Ornish Many studies on the effectiveness of diet Ornish For the prevention and treatment of various diseases, including heart disease, prostate cancer, diabetes, as well as weight loss, depression.

According to a 2005 study published in the Journal of Urology, Ornish Diet can also help prevent prostate cancer at an early stage, or even reverse it.

A 2005 study by the American Journal of Cardiology found that patients who followed the Ornish Diet helped to control their blood sugar levels and significantly improve their blood sugar levels.

A study of the American Journal of Cardiology suggests that dieting can result in significant weight loss due to healthy lifestyle changes.

Ornish Diet
Ornish Diet

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