Other planets can offer more life opportunities than the Earth


Study of the Volatility of Scales: Other Planets Could Offer More Life Opportunities Than the Earth

In a feverish search for the constituents of life on other distant planets of our blue planet, a new study has shown that some planets can provide the necessary constituents of life beyond what exists on Earth.

"What a surprise," said Dr. Stephanie Olson of the University of Chicago, describing the results of a study under her supervision. These planets are compared to the situation on the planet ", according to the independent British website.

The results of the study, using data from NASA, could fundamentally affect ongoing research on life opportunities beyond our blue planet.

According to researcher Stephanie Olson, whose findings were presented at the Goldschmidt conference on geochemistry in Barcelona, ​​NASA, looking for life-friendly planets, is focusing on finding opportunities for blueprints. ;water. "But not all oceans will be as welcoming as life forms, but some will paralyze a better living environment than others depending on the structure of their life cycle," said Olson.

In recent years, scientists have managed to discover a large number of planets and orbits in the orbit of stars located outside our world, far from the planet, because it is impossible to reach them with the help of the fastest spacecraft currently available. It is also difficult to see these planets in detail. Researchers therefore work in many ways to identify these unknown worlds.

Scientists use telescopes that can explore the climate of discovered planets and identify their constituents. But to understand all the data collected through these telescopes, researchers must develop detailed and complex models to explain the constituents and characteristics of each planet, which were made by the authors of the new study.

By comparing the constituents and climate of the new planets with the Earth's climate and the characteristics of the oceans and water plans, scientists were surprised to find that the conditions of the Earth were not the same. best of all, because it was possible that life was better in other worlds.

This article "The study of the volatility of scales: other planets may offer more life opportunities than the Earth" Adapted from the site (Kuwait News), and does not reflect in any way the political of the site or point of view, but Kuwait News is responsible for the information and its accuracy.

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