Over 700 Billion Iraqi Oil Resources Since 2005


The central bank of Iraq announced Tuesday that the country's oil revenues have grown to more than $ 700 billion since 2005.

According to the statement, "total revenues of Iraq between 2005 and 2017 amounted to $ 706 billion.In the last 13 years … and spent $ 703.11 billion, or 99.5% of total revenues. "[19659003] Sporadic cities in central and southern Iraq for more than three weeks have witnessed protests from protesters against lack of services and high rates. Unemployment, despite the oil resources of their country.

Protesters denounce lack of public services, including electricity

The demonstrations of anger that erupted in the city of Basra, the economic heart of the country, killed 14 people

The main claims protesters are fighting corruption and prosecuting those responsible for the loss of billions of dollars. The country is ranked twelfth among the most corrupt countries

A member of the House of Representatives spoke of the waste of about $ 228 billion in fictitious projects under more than 5,000 contracts [19659008]. After "data based on inaccurate information that harm the reputation of Iraq" Iraq is the second largest producer of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) of about 4.5 million barrels a day, and constantly calls for an increase in crude oil prices to support its budget.

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