Palestinian News Agency – Occupation demolishes 4 houses under construction in Umm al-Fahm


Israeli occupation authorities demolished four Palestinian homes on Sunday morning in the al-Zuhur district of Umm al-Fahm town in the occupied Palestinian territory, under the pretext of unauthorized construction. He demolished the houses of the target and then began to demolish them.

He added that the demolition was continuing, adding that a state of anger was among the neighborhood residents who were gathering in the area and trying to cope with the demolition

. According to eyewitnesses, Israeli occupying forces attempted to attack civilians. They tried to arrest a number of them and tried to arrest a number of them

. demolition recommenced in Palestinian homes Last week, more than 10 homes were demolished in various cities of the Triangle, Galilee and Naqab. The Israeli establishment in the implementation of a plan targeting the Palestinian presence in the territories of.

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