Palestinian President: Normalization with Arab and Islamic countries will not bring peace and security to Israel


Palestinian President: Normalization with Arab and Islamic countries will not bring peace and security to Israel



Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that talking about the agreement of the century or any plan based on international resolutions will not succeed, as long as it does not lead to an independent Palestinian state and Jerusalem. -Is as capital.

Addressing the first Arab-European summit that took place on Sunday night in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh, Abbas pointed out that attempts by the US administration and the Israeli government to to normalize relations with Arab and Islamic countries would bring neither peace nor security to Israel.

He stressed that the implementation of the Arab initiative as described in 2002 is the only way to achieve peace.

"The current US administration encourages Israel to act as a superior state to the law, to protect itself from all responsibility and to become a mediator in the peace process after all these actions contrary to Palestinian law and to international legitimacy, "he said.

"Is not it time for European countries that have not yet recognized the state of Palestine to do it?" Asked Abbas.

Source: agencies

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