Partial solar eclipse on this date .. July month Astrological News


A partial eclipse of the sun on this date .. July month astronomical news After the Nile, the site of the newspaper Al-Wasat transmits the news of a partial eclipse of the sun at this date.July News astronomical.

The planet Saturn was at the closest point to Earth on Wednesday, June 27, at 1.4 billion kilometers, so that Saturn shines in the sky throughout the month of July and can be seen easily. At the naked eye in the form of a gold-colored object in the east after dark.

On Friday, July 6, the Earth was at the extreme point of the sun, at a distance of 152 million km, and it should be noted that each year is located at the extreme point of the sun in summer for the northern hemisphere. In summer, it is not because of the distance between the earth and the sun, but because of the sun in the sky in summer, which is the closest to the vertical, which increases the radiation on the surface and increases the temperature. [Mercure] Mercury is the most difficult planet to see at the naked eye, as it occurs near the sun most of the time, and to see the planet Mercury in this period. The observation of the location of its western horizon should be exposed and wait about 30-45 minutes after sunset, then look to the west in the near future of the area where the sun has poured, then we can see it as a relatively bright little mole. On Friday, July 13, a partial eclipse of the sun will occur and eclipses will be observed from the southeastern Indian Ocean, particularly in the area between the Sydney mainland and Antarctica, and the north. eclipse will be visible from the south of the continent. North of Antarctica. The sun will represent 34% of the diameter of the solar disk.

Friday, July 13, at 02:48 GMT, the month of Dhu al-Qa'dah (Al-Muhaq) will coincide: we can see the moon of the Arab world using the telescope only from the west of the world Arab. The sun is the naked eye of most of the world. It is expected that the month of Dhu al-Qadah will start on Saturday in some countries, while it will begin Sunday in the rest of the Islamic world. Throughout this month, Venus is built in the west after sunset, and Venus is the brightest object of the sky after the sun and the moon where it is white as a very white object bright and can be seen with the naked eye. On Monday, July 16th, the crescent will be next to Venus, and it will be six degrees north of Venus.

On Saturday, July 21, the moon will be at 4.4 degrees Jupiter, the new is a catalyst for the identification of the planet, the moon will be a valuable help to see the planet's diary on the page from the sky. A bright white object near the moon, that is Jupiter.

On Wednesday, July 25, the moon will be only two degrees from the planet Saturn, so that the evening can be seen so far to the moon to observe the observer that there is a golden color bright, that's the planet Saturn.

Friday night July 27, July 28, the Arab world will witness one of this year's most important astronomical news, a total lunar eclipse seen entirely by the Arabic newspaper Al Wasat.

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Source: Nilin

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