Photos: Mohammad Hamaki was rushed to hospital after being seriously injured


Mohamed Hamaki was seriously injured during a football match with a group of friends and was rushed to hospital for emergency care and diagnosis.

Mohammad Hamaki

Details of Mohammed Hamaki's case after his transfer to the hospital

The images of Mohammed Hamaki showed him sitting in a wheelchair with a foot injury, revealing a broken leg at a football match with his friends, appearing on the pictures, receiving help and wearing bandages on his injured foot.


Mohammed Hamaki has undergone tests and radiation, a fracture requiring surgery and must undergo foot surgery to install slides next Wednesday. He was worried about his health after being photographed while he was being taken to the hospital.

Mohammad Hamaki recently celebrated his new album "Every Day of It" and gave several concerts on the occasion of this album. It was expected that he will complete the concert group in the coming period. It seems that his schedule and concerts may change the next period due to his injury, which requires time to rest and stay still.

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