Politics / Secretary General of the League of Arab States warns against attempts to reject Palestinian question of legal and political content


Cairo, 22 Jumada II 1440 H corresponding to 27 February 2019 SPAs
The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, stressed that the Palestinian issue was going through one of its most difficult chapters, warning against any attempt to undermine the foundations on which this issue was based and to empty it of its legal and political content and turn it into a humanitarian crisis. Here and there
This came in Aboul Gheit's speech at the annual meeting of the board of directors of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, which began today in the Arab League under the presidency of the former Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Amr Moussa.
He told the Secretary-General that such attempts would not succeed, but their detection and confrontation demanded total vigilance from all and the maintenance of an international consensus in favor of the legitimate right of Palestinians to freedom of movement. independence and the creation of a State at the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as capital.
Aboul Gheit added that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict lacks parity from the beginning. There is a party that practices occupation and oppression, supported by a military machine and a major international force that supports it and provides it with an umbrella of security that guarantees it impunity, as criminal as it is -she.
The Secretary-General of the Arab League stressed the strength of the moral legitimacy of the Palestinian cause and the importance of international support for the Palestinian people, stressing that the Palestinian side had no other way that to hang on to the land and preserve the existence and not to neglect the dream of independence.
For his part, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Egypt and Permanent Representative to the League of Arab States, Diab Al-Louh, said in his address at the meeting that the Palestinian people were adhering to the Arab peace initiative as a framework to resolve the conflict with Israel and put an end to the illegal occupation of the Palestinian and Arab territories.
"We will not accept capital in Jerusalem, but Jerusalem is the capital, we will not accept a state in Gaza, we will not accept a state without Gaza or a state in Gaza. interior of the wall with temporary borders, and we will accept nothing less than a fully sovereign independence independent Palestinian state having East Jerusalem as its capital, "he said. "We are a republic of Egypt and adhere to the vision set by President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership of the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian fighting people in Palestine and the Palestinian Authority. inside of it. "
The Palestinian ambassador stressed that all attempts to circumvent the fixed and historic rights of the Palestinian people in his country and his lands as well as the resolutions of international legitimacy related to the Palestinian cause, including the disastrous Balfour Declaration and the President Donald Trump's decision to proclaim Jerusalem as its capital will fail.
For his part, the director of the Department of Palestine in the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Khaled Radhi, representative of the Ministry, said that his country rejected any attempt to marginalize the Palestinian cause and that the Republic Egypt continued to help the Palestinian people to assert its legitimate rights.
Radhi stressed that the Republic of Egypt had affirmed that just and comprehensive peace, including the restoration of the rights of its owners, was the means to achieve peace, development and progress, and to fight against hatred, extremism, terrorism, racism and discrimination, stressing that Egypt would spare no effort to promote Palestinian reconciliation.
At the end of this year's meeting, the board of the Yasser Arafat Foundation paid tribute to former Italian Prime Minister Massimo Alema and Mandela Mandela, grandson of the president. South African Nelson Mandela.
20: 57T


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