Pomegranate, honey and oysters … 3 nutritional products to enhance body immunity


Immunological medical studies have proven their benefits

Riyadh: Abeer Mubarak

The body's immune system is the safety valve to protect it from infectious microbial diseases and to resist the effects of harmful environmental factors, including physical and chemical factors, such as radiation and environmental pollution. Its strength and discipline are also considered another safety valve to protect the body against groups of chronic diseases that may affect it as a result of autoimmune disorders or the hyperactivity of such inflammatory reactions. as arthritis, arterial diseases or intestinal infections.

Among the many types of food products helpful in enhancing body immunity, we are looking at 3 food products that have proven that the results of medical studies were helpful in increasing the strength of immunity and maintenance of the body, namely:

– "Immunotherapy"

1. Grenada. In the scientific journal, researchers published a study entitled "Understanding Nutrition and Immunology in the Treatment of Diseases" in the October 2017 issue of the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

Antiviral compounds. "Pomegranate is an abundant source of various biologically active compounds with many health benefits, particularly in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases," the researchers said. Many studies have revealed the beneficial effects of pomegranate compounds on compounds with the most potent therapeutic effects, such as ellagic acid, ellagitannins, bonic acid and other fatty acids, as well as flavonoids, anthocyanidin, anthocyanins, flavonol, estrogen and flavon. The effective therapeutic properties of pomegranate include antioxidant, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects. The applications of pomegranate treatment against diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance, inflammatory bowel disease and cancer have yielded promising results. The medicinal properties of pomegranate components seem to be more effective at binding to each other rather than individually, a fact that must be taken into account for the most effective pomegranate applications.

Antimicrobial compounds. For example, in another illustration of one of the chemical compounds reported by researchers, alajic acid, a group of Spanish and Mexican researchers published in the February 2017 issue of the Journal of Science of the 39, food and agriculture microbes in pomegranates.

"The results of this study indicate that the ellagic acid content has a significant effect on the antimicrobial activity of the pomegranate extracts studied," the researchers said. Since the composition of the pomegranate may vary by type (mild and acidic), so that the pomegranate may differ according to its antimicrobial capacity, the pomegranate has superior antimicrobial activity and contains higher concentrations of pomegranate. ellagic acid.

– natural remedy for honey

2. honey. The role of honey is to activate the strength of the body's immunity by containing chemical elements with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It is therefore one of the best types of natural remedies. It is important that honey is not administered to children under 2 years of age, as honey may contain chemicals that can harm the nervous system, even if it does not harm children and adults after that age. .

> Cleaning the foot ulcers. In the February issue of the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Chinese researchers reviewed 53 high-level medical studies on the subject. They notably stated, "Our findings suggest that the use of honey to cover the wounds The feet in diabetic patients effectively promote healing.For a long time in 2007, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the use of certain types of honey in the treatment of wounds and skin lesions, as this facilitated healing and reduced the risk of developing microbes.

> Reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. In the January issue of Nutrients, Australian researchers from Rmit University in Melbourne published the results of their scientific journal titled "Honey and its role in alleviating multiple aspects of atherosclerosis". "There are several excellent scientific studies that have examined the properties of honey and its innumerable benefits.The results of studies have shown that honey offers a wide range of beneficial health effects and that it is rediscovered, a source of food antioxidants, "the researchers said. "Atherosclerosis is a chronic, inflammatory and worldwide inflammatory disease.It is interesting to note that many studies have confirmed the role of honey in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.The beneficial effects mainly relate to phenolic compounds in The mechanisms derived from the role of honey are related to the elimination of free radicals, the reduction of fat oxidation, the strengthening of enzymatic and non-enzymatic, anti-enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems. enzymes and the treatment of inflammatory agents.

Reduce coughs and allergies. Other studies conducted in the United States showed that honey was preferable to a number of cough medicines and hypersensitivity in cases of upper respiratory tract infections, colds and cough, especially in children over 2 years old.

Many medical studies have addressed the effect of groups of chemical compounds present in honey, especially chemical compounds with antioxidant properties, which are higher in black honey species than in light species.

Unlike diabetics, replacing sugar with honey gives a healthy preference to a healthy and sweet diet.

– sea food

3. Oysters and seafood. Crustaceans, lobsters, shrimp and lobster, as well as other bulk calcinated rind seafood contain the most important minerals closely related to the strength of the immune activity of the seafood. the body, zinc and selenium, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, protein and vitamin B-12 (B-12), vitamin D, copper, manganese and iron.

> Promotion of white blood cells. The importance of zinc in its role in the early stages of the body's interaction with microbes helps strengthen the immune response by helping white blood cells to reproduce faster. White blood cells are the main specialized cells of the immune system and contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. More specifically, zinc stimulates thymulin production by the Thymus gland, which improves the work of helper T4 leukocytes. Zinc also improves antibodies, making them more effective in preventing infections.

In addition to being an energizing factor for thyroid hormones, selenium is also a powerful activator of the immune system, a powerful antioxidant and protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are compounds resulting from oxidative processes and damage to blood vessels and other tissues, contributing to the aging process and diseases. Selenium activates the prostaglandins necessary for the production of glutathione peroxidase, which contributes to the detoxification of body tissues.

> Omega-3 fatty acids: it is important to form cell walls and steroid hormones and reduce the level of inflammatory reactions, bad reactions that hinder the functioning and strength of the immune system.

As Professor Dan Noel of the University of Ohio says: "Without zinc, the exposure to microbial infections increases." In case of zinc deficiency, the immune system of the "Zinc" increases. organism is in bad shape when it comes to infections. " "Zinc deficiency affects about 2 billion people worldwide, including about 40 percent of the elderly in the United States," he said.

– Nutrition and strength of body immunity

> The body's immune system consists of centers in a number of organs, such as the lymphatic glands, the spleen in the abdomen and the thymus in the chest and others, as well as cells and chemicals scattered throughout the body 's tissues, such as different types of white blood cells and antibodies and others.

The interest in the strength, health and efficiency of the immune system is "the daily work", that is to say, it is necessary every day to adopt the behaviors who keep him in his strength. The secret of the strength of the body's immune system lies in two aspects: First, to create health conditions conducive to effective work by adopting a number of healthy behaviors in everyday life. And secondly: provide the nutrients necessary for the activity and proliferation of cells and the secretion of antibodies and other chemicals. Therefore, healthy behaviors in everyday life and a healthy diet are key elements to strengthen the body's immunity.

Nutritionally, care must be taken to consume natural foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, folic acid, iron ore and selenoid. Eating fruits and vegetables, eating unsweetened whole grains in bread, etc., diversifying red, white and marine meats during the week and reducing the intake of animal fats, fries and fast food are all eating behaviors that improve the health level of the body.

Drinking enough water is the most important step to facilitate the transfer of nutrients to various organs and immune cells that spread throughout the body. And also in the ease of transmission of the body's immune cells through the lymphatic vessels. As well as to activate the effectiveness of the biochemical reactions necessary for the production of energy and the production of chemicals in the body and its tissues, especially the production of chemicals for the reactions of the & et et,,,,,. work activity of the body's immune system. In addition, water facilitates the removal of toxins from the body and deprives microbes of chances to enter the body and multiply it. And the body sign to obtain sufficient amounts of water, human production of light urine.

– Physical activity and nocturnal sleep … Vital immunity of the body

According to researchers at Harvard Medical School, one of the most important daily behaviors is to refrain from smoking, to exercise, to maintain a normal weight, to sleep well and to to reduce stress.

Stay away from laziness and inactivity, and be active in physical activity, activating the body's immune system, through several mechanisms. The most important of them is the activation of the heart, lungs, bloodstream and lymphatic vessels, which facilitates the spread of immune cells in the body and immune chemicals broadly and sufficient in organs and tissues, thus facilitating the observation of the presence of microbes and their elimination.

Daily physical exercise stimulates a number of hormonal and chemical changes in the body resulting from physical exercise, particularly the digestive system, liver, brain, endocrine system, muscles, joints and others.

In addition, the daily exercise reduces stress, anxiety and depression, reducing the level of activity of the body's immunity and ease of infections and infections by infections. environmental pollutants.

On the other hand, in the case of infectious microbial diseases, such as respiratory infections and colds, the body needs rest and avoids physical and psychological stress to allow it to focus primarily on resistance to microbial infections. .

Being able to sleep enough at night, between 7 and 8 o'clock, gives the body the opportunity to readjust the work of the organs and purify the accumulation of harmful substances. A number of medical studies have shown in their findings that nighttime sleep was sufficient to increase the body's immunity and reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, diabetes, and diabetes. Obesity, asthma and others, and also useful to reduce the incidence of colds and other viral and bacterial diseases, and to increase the body's response strength in the face of vaccines against Infectious diseases.

– Consultant in Internal Medicine

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